
Proyectos | 3d renderign

Play+Ground is an investigation into the increasingly necessary role of public space in Athens—conceived of as a monumental form in the city, rather than as a sequence of interstitial interventions. The paradox of Athens is that it is a city whose identity is so closely linked to the value our touristically minded society prescribes to monument. However, because of its chaotic urban structure, it undermines the connections between them, creating a visually dramatic separation between the city and its legacy. A city of global heritage nested within an insular privatized and undeniably local mat. Athens is a trapped city, in a way held hostage by its own history, either totally global or totally privatized while somehow lacking the essential in between space needed for the stimulation of the resident. 


Atenas. Grecia


Pierre Jeanneret Le Corubiser


Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
